Hey Creative, I'll help you feel less overwhelmed, more productive, confident and have a business foundation in 16 Weeks, GUARANTEED!*

*You are guaranteed results if you show up and do ALL the work. Full terms and conditions apply.

 The Creative Catalyst Academy

For Creative QUEEN entrepreneurs ready to catalyze business and inspiration with a proven roadmap to confidence, productivity, mental wellness, and success. 💸 

Book Your Free Strategy Session!

You can accomplish anything.

Our greatest superpower is learning to work within our limitations and build systems for success based on our authentic selves.  🦄

All women deserve a cheerleader in their corner who's ready to offer support, strategy, reassurance, community, and systems for success.

This support can expedite your growth and give back your time and clarity so you can create, launch, rebuild, or scale your goals, creativity, and business. You don't need to figure this out alone. 💖

Not knowing where to start your business, self, or creativity is often a sign that you need more clarity. Clarity is the lens through which you can focus your efforts more sharply and see your end goals. Without it, everything seems overwhelming or obscured, which is why it's so crucial to seek it out.

I'm Ready to Start!

“Working with Sarah has...legitimately saved my life."

Beth Clarity Club Member & Creative Catalyst Academy Client

Entrpunership can be scary, heavy, and confusing. 🫤 Maybe you tried to start a business or wanted to grow in 🎨 creativity, but you're:

  • 🌧️ Paralyzed by the fear of failure or not knowing where to start
  • 💭 Overwhelmed by your work and all the things on your plate
  • 🔥 Plagued by doubt, lack of validation, or scattered thoughts
  • ⚠️ Anxious, unorganized, and a huge procrastinator
  • 🌷Uncertain about sales, getting clients, or sharing your work
  • 💌 Foggy about what to do, create, or the future you want

It's literally the most relatable list ever.


Glowing✨ Testimonials

3 Steps to Creative Success & Clarity

  • 👑 Discover your authentic voice, expertise, story, and creative storyline, driving inspiration, motivation, fearlessness, confidence, and business branding. 
  • 👑 Learn to set goals, manage time, get organized, and understand how your mind (and inner critic) works to break free from limiting beliefs, doubts, and procrastination. 
  • 👑 Develop a personalized business plan that helps you break down all your steps to success, from launching a portfolio to getting your first client.

This is different from your average program because I was far from average. ❤️‍🩹 

After experiencing uncertainty, intrusive thoughts, physical disabilities, and mental health struggles my entire life, I knew my mind and body were unique. People said I would fail based on average metrics, so I knew I needed to create my own way forward and methods for success - and I did.

In a society that restricts people to cookie-cutter systems, ways of thinking, working, and creating, we must have a personalized method for productivity, planning, and creating that matches our minds and personalities. 

After teaching 5,000 creatives and working 1:1 with people worldwide, I knew I wanted to help others improve mental wellness, overcome procrastination and stress, and achieve their creative, business, or personal goals.

This program does not tackle your typical business advice. It connects creative dots you didn't know existed, breaks down roadblocks in your blind spots, and rewrites the scripts holding you back.

This 1:1 coaching program will equip you with the tools, strategies, and mindset shifts necessary to level up and scale your business like never before.

Imagine more significant projects, more clients, and increased revenue while maintaining that creative spark that makes you unique.

If you consistently show up, are ready to work, and need more profound clarity and a tangible action plan, I'll work with you for 8 extra weeks until you do!


From The Creative Catalyst Academy

My creative queens 👑 have experienced remarkable changes in their endeavors, unlocking new productivity, balance, and success! With personalized guidance, clients have turned their dreams into reality, and their results speak for themselves. 🦄

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Here are Some Massive Wins My Students Have Had:

  • Quit unaligned jobs & switched to creative jobs 💸
  • Had breakthroughs about grief and limiting beliefs that catalyzed their productivity ⚡️
  • Attracted ideal clients and started making $$$ even if they had just begun their 💰freelance/commission work (even before finishing the program)
  • Filing their first LLC or business taxes 💵
  • Reframed their money psychology for business and personal that has impacted relationships  💍
  • Newfound, unstoppable confidence in launching a business or growing it 🎨
  • Less overwhelmed and daily roadblocks when working or creating 🖼️
  • Participated in craft fairs and art walks with their newfound courage, products, and inspiration 🔥
  • Improved communication with relationships & loved ones 💖
  • Launched new or refreshed 💻portfolios/websites that felt connected to their authentic selves and style
  • Started fearlessly posting on social media & sharing ✨
  • Had a daily plan for success and a long-term plan for their business at the ready ☀️

 Here are The BIG Details:

The Creative Catalyst Academy is a 1:1 coaching program completely structured, guided, tested, and personalized to your needs.  

  • We'll work together throughout 12 x 60-minute calls 1:1! (Value $4199.00)
  • 16 weeks' worth of constant support and guidance. All students get plugged into Voxer, a voice-sharing app, so support is always in your corner, M - F. (Value $799.00)
  • A 220+ page hardcover workbook allows you to experience transformations and growth between sessions. (Value $257.00) 
  • Each session is structured and tied to your workbook, so constant breakthroughs, work, and changes exist. By week 3, most students are shocked at their progress. 
  • A fully completed Notion template built around the program that will house all your organization, branding, products, business plan, mental wellness, and reflections for DAILY success. (Value: $199.00) 
  • 16 Weeks of FREE 24/7 access to The Creative Clarity Club, a content library that constantly adds new content covering everything from business basics to mental health. You can join regular support group meetings and flourish alongside a private community of like-minded women. (Value: $2424.00+ - it's constantly growing)

The Creative Clarity Club 🪩

Get Free Access While in The Creative Academy 👑

Special Videos in The Clarity Club were made especially for The Academy Girlies! (Value: $499).

Click to Learn About The Club!


And guaranteed* because I am determined for everyone to experience success.

*If you don't get results but show up and work hard, I'll work with you for 8 additional weeks to work towards your success! 

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Payment Plan

Starting At $97

We will review all the investment options once accepted!

I'm Ready Now!

You get everything you need to...🔥

  1. Align and attract your ideal client, customers, or people 💖
  2. Discover, refine, and get clarity on your goals and branding ⚡️
  3. Learn business basics from your LLC filing to social media 👑
  4. Have a thriving daily system and business HQ to overcome procrastination for your creative goals 🎨

Tiger Says...

Working with Sarah has been nothing short of transformational. She has provided me with the tools, advice, and clarity to create a custom system to support my needs. I was scattered, overwhelmed, and easily discouraged before working with Sarah. I was looking for the focus and confidence I needed to start my own creative business, which I discovered with Sarah as my guide. She has taught me that I have the resources to turn my goals into reality. Sarah’s knowledge, sense of humor, and support have brought me to a place where I feel prepared to chart my journey as a creative entrepreneur. Sarah’s mentoring has changed my perspective to be more grounded, intentional, and focused. It has been an incredible experience working with Sarah one-on-one. Thank you so much, Sarah!

Check Out Tiger's Store! 🌈

Each Academy Girlie gets an exclusive Notion template ✏️

Entirely designed around this program for transformational success in the program and well beyond when you graduate! 🕊️

AND a hardcover 220+ page workbook 📖

For MAJOR transformations in-between sessions!


Homework Guidance

Additional Lessons & Important Findings

I designed this program to be set apart 🦄

Build a business and a life that coexists with stress and reduces burnout by crafting systems with mental health in mind.

When I set out to help others after surviving extremely dark seasons, I knew I always wanted the core of my work to return to connecting with others and getting to know people intimately. The more I worked with people worldwide, the more I found pieces of myself in others. I embraced my love of glitter, pink, rainbows, and filterless moments. I love a romantic life and the power of a good laugh or cry. I love each person who has entrusted me to be a part of their story and help write theirs.

When I discovered my authentic self, I radiated confidently for the first time. I immediately knew I wanted others to find their version of that.

✨ Your Academy Syllabus - The FULL Breakdown 

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Starting At $97

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I'm Ready Now!

I'm Sarah Edwards & I help creative entrepreneurs reach their dreams!

I'm passionate about this because reaching my dream was almost impossible. Thousands and thousands of hours of healing, recovery, self-discovery, and working double-time to try and find myself amid extreme pain, confusion, mistakes, and failure. Battling OCD, Anxiety, Depression, panic attacks, and suicidal seasons on top of handicaps, disabilities, and immune issues has rocked me to my core. I've known more failure than success, loneliness than fellowship, and isolation than community. Because of these things, I set out to build it, learn from it, and master it.

I help female entrepreneurs, creatives, and those struggling with mental health disabilities and procrastination achieve their goals by equipping them with a personalized productivity process through one-on-one coaching over 16 weeks!

We focus on launching your dream business or strengthening other goals and creativity by identifying your branding, authenticity, expertise, and process. If you're tired of the what-ifs, let me hand you a ROADMAP with your limitations and authenticity weaved in for daily success.

I love to help people conquer mental health battles, cope with everyday struggles and intrusive thoughts, increase confidence, work towards financial freedom, increase productivity, and ultimately lead a free and joy-filled life! We take a holistic approach and focus on everything, from your relationships to your health, your money, and more!


Why is The Creative Catalyst Academy so Transformative? 🌈

A business has many little pieces, and life has a million more. Launching a business, achieving your big goals, or developing your creativity takes a lot of clarity and tools. But everyone is capable of doing whatever they set their mind to, and having someone alongside you to cheer you on and provide structure, often in seasons that lack structure, can be beautiful and lifechanging.

However, the most significant difference is that my main focus is on teaching you to work within your limitations regardless of your resources, skills, support system, health, or disorders; your dreams matter and are possible. This mental shift will be with you for the rest of your life, as it will be for mine.

Unlike other business programs, we take a holistic approach, look at your entire life and health, and give you a productivity structure so you have the ultimate plan in business and goals, with daily habits for any goal. Students have paid off debt, worked on their health and marriages, and learned new skills by applying their new personalized understanding of goals and systems.  


Academy Girlies 🪩

The Creative Artists Panel

A Q&A Panel Featuring the fantastic members of The Creative Catalyst Academy, who are rising professional artists and experts in their craft! We unpack the struggles of being artists and entrepreneurs, our transformations, and mental health!


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Starting At $97

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I'm Ready Now!

As creatives, we are closely linked to our visions, imaginations, and thoughts.

We coexist with the harsher emotions such as fear, anxiety, and doubt (that creativity will produce). This can be a lifelong benefit and mindset change that touches every part of your life. It will make you fearless. Not that life doesn't hold the glamorous and terrifying truths of the unexpected. This program teaches you how to stay true to yourself, your morals, and your original "whys" all the way back into the uncertainty of childhood. I say that even for those with a short childhood, like me. I promise that all your life experiences can catalyze unique new ideas.

My promise As Your New Creative BFF 🎨

From my failures and working with coaches, I've identified that it's essential to create a coaching experience with an A → B, a start to finish.

I want you to walk away as a new version of yourself with tangible tools to hold onto.

I want you to see your progress clearly and to feel like you're working towards something. We will identify your starting points and get you to an outcome that we can both agree on and get excited about so that in 16 weeks, you'll be amazed at your own transformation.

As an artist and someone who has experienced a great deal of suffering and financial struggle, I never want this investment in your energy, time, or money to add to your pressure and create a sense of doubt or waste.

Know that moments of doubt and anxiety always occur when we take on a new investment. However, I promise you will see results if you do the work and show up. My mission will be customized around you and what it uniquely takes to get you to that outcome.

Okay, I'm Done Reading - Count Me In!

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Starting At $97

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✨ Is The Creative Catalyst Academy for Me?